10 Best Books for Starting a Business

10 Best Books for Starting a Business
- The Entrepreneur Mind. This book believes that if you want to be successful, you need to change the way you think. Learn how to retrain your thought process with this book.
- Manage your Day-to-Day: Build your Routine, Find your Focus, and Sharpen your Creative Mind. A great resource that tackles the most effective ways to manage your day-to-day. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to be able to find a routine and stick to it!
- The $100 Startup. Reinvent the way you make a living, Do what you Love, and Create a New Future. A great read about starting your business by following your passion. Motivating and captivating from start to finish.
- How Successful People Think: Change your Thinking, Change your Life. If you are looking for an easy read that is also thought-provoking, this is the one for you. If you have the ability to change your thinking, you can possibly change your life!
- Crushing It! How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence-and How You Can, Too. This book is full of great ways to utilize social media to help grow your business and other important tidbits of information as well.
- The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich. Looking for a book that gives you practical real-world tips? An important read that offers some step-by-step options that can help you learn how others can do the 4-hour workweek to live their best life.
- The 10% Entrepreneur: Live your Startup Dream Without Quitting your Day Job. Thinking about just tipping your toe in the entrepreneur world? This book explains how it’s possible to become an entrepreneur without committing to it 100%.
- Small Business: The Rookies Entrepreneurs Guide: How to Start Your Own Business – 10 Step Action Plan. If you are someone who likes steps, plans, and processes, then this is the book for you.
- Start your Own Business, Sixth Edition: The Only Startup Book You’ll Ever Need. Learn the secrets from successful coaches with this informative book.
- The Purpose if Profit: The Truth about Starting and Building Your Own Business. It’s a great read from an author who walks the walk. Learn from someone who’s started a business, failed a business, and then had great success within a business.
Starting your own business isn’t something that you should be afraid of doing. It’s an amazing opportunity that can be embraced and easily done. Make your plan on how you envision it happening, and then do your research to start the process. With so many books full of such valuable information available, the formula is out there on how to become a success with these top business books to read. While it can seem overwhelming to decide what resources and books to read, start by choosing a couple of suggestions from the list above of best books for starting a business. Think of it as research and opportunity to grow your business. Even if you are not in the startup phase and have an established business these are good business books to read. If you can find the path to your success early on at the start of your journey, the rest can be smooth sailing!
Business owners or those trying to think of business ideas may also want to check out our Work at Home Resources page.
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